Teacher and pupil working on maths

Formative Assessment
for Primary Numeracy

  • Engage and motivate pupils in maths
  • More time to focus on specific needs
  • More time to get creative with maths

The Next Level of Formative Assessment

Professor Assessor’s Maths Assessment solution provides rich e-Assessment for Learning features to support and enhance formative assessment within the classroom. Multiple time saving features enable teachers to focus on specific needs supported by instant accurate gap analysis.

Formative assessment with pupil using tablet for maths questions

Seamless Implementation

Simply, replace worksheets or textbooks with selected lessons using the Maths Assessment system as an interactive question bank. The system marks the work for you and provides live instant feedback.

Because each child gets different questions its perfect to use in staggered group work when only a few tablets or laptops are available, leaving more time for valuable teacher one-to-one work with pupils.

This is a true e-Assessment for Learning system that children really enjoy using.

Formative assessment differentiation by year of study

Easy Differentiation

Teachers can easily select differentiated work for their class from the precise national curriculum sub-strands that they are teaching. The system will then provide different questions for each pupil1 to avoid copying. This encourages pupils to have ownership of their work and increases teacher confidence in results.

When children are logged in they are unaware of the years of study from which their questions have been generated, maintaining self-esteem and building confidence.

Children getting instant maths questions feedback

Instant Feedback

Pupils can do their maths workings in their workbooks or on whiteboards, as they usually would, and then enter answers on-screen. The system encourages children to check their answers on-screen before submitting them for marking.

Pupils' questions are automatically marked and children are shown any corrections, providing instant feedback at the point of learning. This gives pupils opportuities for self-assessment or peer assessmment, particularly important for their meta-cognitive development as a body of research supports.

Formative assessment helping teachers with analysis and answer sheets

Supporting Teaching

The teacher dashboard provides access to live data enabling teachers to see how pupils are getting on and to therefore provide targeted support where necessary.

Pupil’s responses with any corrected answers can be instantly viewed on-screen using iPad, laptops or Android tablets.

Alternatively pupil answer sheets can be printed showing their marked questions with any corrections made.

Detailed gap analysis of sub-strands and within sub-strands to specific question type detail is instant, providing teachers with the most accurate information to inform pupil, group and class feedback as well as future lesson content.

Formative assessment individual worksheet examples

Follow-on Worksheets

If pupils have finished then teachers can, with a single click, print individualised follow-on worksheets. These provide revision, consolidation or extension work, whichever is appropriate, for each pupil or a class as a whole.

Individual pupil responses are analysed using our powerful algorithms on a topic by topic basis and worksheets can be produced which focus only on areas requiring additional support.

Formative assessment next step examples

Next Step Statements & Questions

Accurate next steps, ‘I can’ and mastery statements can be printed for all pupils, with a single click. These follow each assessment or home learning activity.

Statements are accompanied by next step maths questions appropriate for each pupil based upon how they each did in their piece of work. These next step questions could be re-trying questions they found difficult, trying similar alternative questions for further practice or extension questions.

This powerful feature saves an enormous amount of teacher time and provides really accurate statements and questions that focus on individual topics within each sub-strand of the national curriculum. These provide pupils, teachers and parents with precise achievements and next steps - perfect for sticking into workbooks, for parent’s evenings and to use alongside the individualised follow-on worksheets.

Formative assessment using technology in the classroom

The Perfect Mix of Pedagogy with Technology

Our Maths Assessment system provides the perfect marriage of technology and traditional teaching methods. It utilises technology the smart way, alleviating marking, manual data entry and analysis and freeing up teacher time to focus on individual needs, to be creative and to well… teach!



1. An option is provided to set exactly the same questions to each differentiated group of pupils if required.